Our Team

Ashley LiBetti, Principal Consultant

Ashley LiBetti is principal consultant at Pillars. Prior to founding Pillars, Ashley led the early childhood practice area at Bellwether Education Partners. She started her work in early care and education at the U.S. Department of Education, supporting the design of what eventually became Preschool Development Grants. Over the course of her career, Ashley has published more than 40 pieces of research in a range of outlets, from mainstream media to peer-reviewed journals, and partnered with more than twice as many clients. She regularly plays virtual bingo with faraway family members, can’t resist an Avengers movie, and believes every room deserves at least one jewel-toned accent wall.

I’m good at organized fun. I can turn almost any activity or conversation into some kind of game. Walking the dog? Let’s think of as many words as possible that rhyme with the stuff she sniffs. Doing duck walks at physical therapy? Count them using multiples of sevens. I always bring a deck of cards around with me and recently got very into Pass the Pigs.

I’m bad at finishing television series. I’ll go through multiple seasons of a series and then abruptly stop a few episodes from the end. The more I like the show, the longer it’ll take me to finish it. I think it’s because good shows are so hard to find and I want to savor it. It took me years to finish Veronica Mars.

I’m learning about building computers. The first time I took apart a computer I felt like a magician and maybe a hacker. Building one from scratch involves a lot of YouTube.