Our Team

Rachel Fu, Senior Analyst

Rachel Fu is a senior analyst at Pillars. Most recently, Rachel was a math coach at a charter school, where she worked with underserved middle and high school students, and supported the Early Childhood Initiative Team at the Bipartisan Policy Center. While there, she focused on early childhood workforce models, coronavirus state spending plans, and state suspension/expulsion plans. Rachel graduated from California State University, Fullerton with her BA in Political Science and minor in Elementary Math Education. She is usually hanging out with her siblings, spends too much time at Disneyland, and is a big fan of The Office and Ted Lasso.

I’m good at event planning. I'm a planner! In my friend group, I'm usually the one getting everyone together, figuring out when we're all available, where we can meet, and what we're going to do. I enjoy getting into all the details, structuring the event, coordinating all the moving parts, and making sure everyone has a good time.

I’m bad at eating spicy food. Hot Cheetos are my limit. There are a lot of spicy foods I wish I could enjoy, but I just can't because my spice tolerance is so low.

I’m learning about where food comes from. A year ago I started watching Kimi Werner on Youtube. Kimi is a national spearfishing champion, free diver, and chef from Hawaii who is passionate about environmental and food sustainability. She dives for and grows her own food, harvests only what she needs, and shares her food with the community. Her desire to participate in each step of the food process (like when she harvested taro leaves at a local farm and made her own coconut milk) has inspired me to support local farms and play a more active role in growing and making my own my food.